Palacio de Cibeles is the most iconic building in Madrid, located in the heart of the city, with spectacular architecture that will leave you speechless.
5,000 m² dedicated to Merge Madrid: a central area of 3,000 m² for major events in innovation, entrepreneurship, and new technologies; a Main Stage with a capacity for 350 people; 2 Parallel Stages with capacities ranging from 80 to 100 people for lectures, workshops, and meetings. Additionally, it features one of the best rooftops in all of Madrid as well as a café used as a dining area for entrepreneurs and as a space to host activities and events.

La inversión en criptoactivos no está regulada, puede no ser adecuada para inversores minoristas y perderse la totalidad del importe invertido. Es importante leer y comprender los riesgos de esta inversión que se explican detalladamente en esta ubicación